Green masterclass for producers in Amsterdam

Green Filmmaking is taking over Europe is the title of a masterclass for producers that will take place on April 24 in Amsterdam.

The Green Film Making Project and the Netherlands Filmacademy Festival & Science are organizing the event which brings together experts from various European countries such as Michael Geidel from the Green Film Initiative in Germany as well as Judi Shareef from Eco Age in Great Britain, Mathieu Tronquit from Ecoprod in France and Kim van den Heuvel from the Flemish Audiovisuaul Fund in Belgium who adopted green film making in their funding approach.

The discussion will be moderated by Chai Locher, Projectleader of the Green Film Making Project, which is an initiative by Strawberry Earth* that challenges filmmakers to produce their films as sustainable as possible.

Fast reservation recommended; please send an email to (subject: Festival Film & Science 2014)