Green label of quality for cinemas

Green Economy is gaining relevance among cinema exhibitors throughout Europe. The reason is the increased energy consumption due to the use of digital projectors and the accompanying air conditioning systems. Energy and resource consumption is no longer simply an internal cost factor. In the course of the social discourse about the climate change renewable energy is gaining more importance in the film industry which itself is strongly influenced by the media.



“Arthouse exhibitors are eco-conscious”, says the AG Kino-Gilde, the association of arthouse exhibitors in Germany. According to a very recent member survey, two-thirds of all arthouse exhibitors are now committed eco-multipliers in order to raise a positive conciousness among cinemagoers.



“We are showing films and documentaries that deal with the consequences of climate change. So it is only logical that we also make our contribution by switching to renewable energy“, says Christian Bräuer, President, AG Kino. Starting in 2016, the exhibitor‘s association Hauptverband deutscher Filmtheater (HDF) is supporting its members by offering attractive conditions to switch to renewable energy. “We appreciate a balanced ratio between ecology and economy“, emphasizes Andreas Kramer, Managing Director, HDF.



Mallorca-KinoIn European cinemas, from Great Britain to Spain, there is a looming turnaround to renewable energy. At the arthouse cinema CineCiutat in Mallorca, all four screens have been powered by locally generated solar and wind energy since fall 2014. “Part of the energy comes from eco-energy providers on the continent“, says exihibitor Pedro Barbadillo, who is on the board of the International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE), where the issue features prominently on the agenda.



Sustainability is increasingly becoming a label of quality in the exhibition sector. This applies not only to supplies of eco-power and energy audits of buildings that house cinemas, but its impact extends to the choice of products available at the concession stand, avoiding waste, as well as waste management. Green Film Shooting wants to support these European exhibitors and encourage them to communicate their green commitment to the audience. The international label of quality for green cinemas is divided into the categories renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable concession, and waste management.

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