Free bikes at Locarno Film Festival

For its 68th edition, the Locarno Film Festival is going to adopt various initiatives in order to lower its carbon footprint. The sustainable measures are concerning mobility, selective waste disposal and reduced use of paper. The festival is encouraging the audience to use of public transportation with combined tickets for the screenings in Piazza Grande as well as a roundtrip by railway. Sponsored by Toyota, 80 % of the official car fleet will hybrid electric vehicles.


Thanks to the new collaboration with Flyer Biketec, the festival makes 100 electric bicycles available free of charge for accredited attendees. The Locarno Film Festival that kicks off on August 5 will be powered with certified renewable energy from Azienda Elettrica Ticinese and Società Elettrica Sopracenerina.


Part of the sustainable concept is also to reduce the use of paper by the introduction of electronic drop boxes and distribution of content to digital media. In addition, the festival is using recycled paper with a FSC certificate. In addition, the City of Locarno and the land department of the Canton Ticino Selective, will provide a selective collection of waste. The remaining CO2 emissions of the event will be compensated by the Swiss foundation MyClimate which gives the festival the “MyClimate neutral event” label.

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