A festival on sustainable innovations

The sixth edition of the Deauville Green Awards brought together about 400 filmmakers and ecology experts who exchanged information on sustainable developments and innovations. At the two-day event, 370 commercials, corporate films and documentaries were presented in 14 competition categories. „What is new this year is that most of films are positive“, says Georges Pessis, Director of the Deauville Green Awards who has founded the festival together with Francois Morgant.



A promising approach is taken in Emmaüs – L’écologie est bien plus qu’une mode that is promoting products which have been remanufactured with recycled materials. This inspiring commercial won Jean-Charles Lavegie and Olivier d’Arfeuille the Grand Prix. The value of water is an issue in La bouche, c’est la vie for which Vincent Lorca received the trophy for the best corporate film. The Grand Prix for the best documentary went to Climat – Guerres – Migrations: Les liaisons by French filmmaker Christine Oberdoff who shows the complex coherences between climate, war and migration. Her film also received the Golden Green Award in the category „Fight and adapation to climate change“.


A Golden Green Award Aber was also awarded to German filmmaker Anne Thoma for her coporate film Gorilla Twins in Danger that she shot for the World Wildlife Fund.


What sustainable production and circular economy might look like is shown in the documentary Eine Welt ohne Müll by Angela Scheele that has been produced for the planet e series of German broadcaster ZDF. Entrepreneurs from all across Europe who are tired of the disposable society are breaking new ground. Following the cradle to cradle concept they are producing furnitures by using bulk garbage Prinzip and melt down plastic waste to create synthetic threads for the textile industry. The circular economy is also an issue in the documentary Expedition Amerique du sud: Les gardiens du temps by Geoffroy & Loic La Tullaye that won the Ecoprod Prize for sustainable film production.





Green film production was also an issue at the round table discussion Bringing our sustainability values into the production process in Deauville. Birgit Heidsiek, Publisher, Green Film Shooting, Catherine Puiseux, Ecoprod Founder and CSR Director, TF1 Group, Sophie Delorme, Co-Director France Télèvisions, and Laurence Lafiteau, Line Producer, CEO, Magala Production explained which best practices can be taken to bring down the carbon footprint of a film production. In France, Ecoprod provides various tools, best practice recommendations, training workshops as well as carbon calculators for film, TV and animation production.


In France, the development of innovative solutions is not only being supported in the film and media sector but also in other industries such as engery, cars and bio technology. "We have many films that are showing solutions", sums up Pessis, "which can help us to get a greener world."

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