Noah’s concept of sustainability

The Costumes

Costuming played an integral role in Darren Aronofsky’s biblical epic, Noah. The Costume Designer Michael Wilkinson went for rough and raw fabrics: flax, linen, and cotton. All of the costumes had to be made without any animal products and only vegetable dyes could be used.

The designer expressed the hope that the costumes he created followed the principle sustainability: "We are more interested in being responsible with our clothing choices. I think what we came up with shows you can do that and still have a sense of personal style and edginess.


Thanks to Eco Supervisor Emillie O’Brien, the production of Noah saved a lot through the management of recyclables and waste, among them the use of 67,000 plastic water bottles. Many water bottles contain Bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone-disrupting chemical that has been associated with reproductive abnormalities, obesity, and insulin resistance. It takes 700 years for these plastic bottles to start decomposing, and it can take up to 1,000 years for them to fully decompose.


One hundred percent of the steel used in the production was recycled by Allocco Metal Recycling. The total amount was estimated to be 450,000 lbs., which resulted in the production recouping approximately $45,000. Three hundred pounds of short ends of film were collected and recycled.


Over 500 trees were planted in Oyster Bay, Long Island for restoration.

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