Illuminating our Common Home

The American filmmaker and photographer Louie Psihoyos who is internationally known for documentaries such as The Cove and his new film Racing Extinction as well as Travis Threlkel, CCO of the creative studio Obscura Digital, curated the projection of the public art event  Illuminating our Common Home in Rome. Beautiful images of our shared natural world were projected onto the facade of St. Peter’s Basilica in order to inspire change around the climate crisis across generations, cultures and, languages.



The cinematic event featured the work of some of the world’s most notable humanistic and nature photographers and filmmakers including Sebastião Salgado (Genesi and Contrasto), Joel Sartore (National Geographic Photo Ark), Yann Arthus Bertrand (Human), David Doubilet, Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson (Samsara), Howard Hall, Shawn Heinrichs, Greg Huglin, Chris Jordan, Steve McCurry, Paul Nicklen and Louie Schwartzberg.




Organized by the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate initiative, Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Inc., the Li Ka Shing Foundation and Okeanos, in partnership with The Oceanic Preservation Society and Obscura Digital, the large-scale architectural public art installation was inspired by the themes of climate change, human dignity and the earth’s living creatures in the Encyclical “Laudato Si’” of Pope Francis. Programmed to coincide with COP21 in Paris, the historic occasion called on citizens of the world to join a global movement to protect our common home. “This impressive initiative will draw global attention to the urgency of tackling climate change for the sake of people and our planet”, stated Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank Group,

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