Green workshops in Deauville

The 7th edition of Deauville Green Awards will kick off with the documentary Planète Bleue by James Honeyborne. A total of 420 films from all across the world will be presented in the competition of the festival that takes place at the beautiful French beach resort from June 19 to 21.  The festival founders Georges Pessis and Francois Morgant will welcome Jean-Louis Étienne as patron of this year’s Deauville Green Awards edition. The scientist is well known for his Arctic and Antarctic explorations.





A guest of honor is French glaciologist and climatologist Jean Jouzel who has researched climate factors for over 45 years and he strongly believes in the role of scientists to inspire the public. The Nobel Prize Winner and Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will participate in the round table discussion on Water and Climate Change. In terms of annual accumulation, intensity, and seasonal occurrence, precipitation is one of the key elements of our climate. Its occurrence can be determined by floods and droughts, the potentially disastrous consequences of which are exacerbated by global warming.



Water will be the key theme at the 7th Deauville Green Awards. Another debate is focusing on Water and Innovation. Besides high tech innovations like computerization, virtual reality and digitization there are also simple solutions such as solar power, permaculture and transportation by bike. If it comes to energy, agriculture, mobility, or water, there is an urgent need to conserve resources, adapt to changes in the climate and move from a linear economy to a circular economy. Moderated by Alexandre Pasche, Eco&co Agency, the speakers include scientific film director Pascal Moret and Philippe Kunter, Bpifrance.



The film and media industry can also take actions to reduce its impact on the environment. At the workshop on Audiovisual and Environmental Communication, Marina Ezdiari will present the recent developments of the Ecoprod collective while Caroline Darmon from Publicis will give an insight in the methodology used by the group to monitor environmental impacts. Birgit Heidsiek, Publisher, Green Film Shooting will give an overview on the latest developments of sustainable film production initiatives across European countries, Jacques-Olivier Barthes will comment on the communications strategy of the WWF and Gildas Bonnel from Association des Agences-Conseils en Communication (AACC) will present the newly launched label "Agences Actives".


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