Digital edition for download

The sixth edition of Green Film Shooting is available for a free download. The cover story is dedicated to Steven Spielberg’s political drama The Post with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks that was greened by Emellie O’Brien, Founder and CEO of the New York-based company Earth Angel. Among the recent green productions from Germany is the feature film 3 Tage in Quiberon which was supported by the Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein and received a Green Shooting Card. The stirring drama by Emily Atef was shown as world premiere in the competition of the 68th Berlin International Film Festival. Another Golden Bear contender was the Italian feature film My Daughter by Laura Bispuri that followed the green protocol in Sardinia.


Green Film Shooting presents in its recent edition the Evergreen-Guide by the Lower Austrian Film Commission (LAFC), new activities and partnerships of the French collective Ecoprod, the first certified production of the Trentino Film Fund and the European Green Screen project that will inspire other European regions to start initiatives such as the London-based recycling service for film sets. The European broadcaster Sky started the Ocean Rescue awareness campaign that informs about the impact of plastic in our oceans. The broadcaster decided to ban single-use plastics on the company premises, in the supply chain, and in products by 2020.


The careful management with resources as well as energy efficiency is becoming a more important issue for broadcasters. The European Cultural TV Channel ARTE reduced the fleet of company cars by two-thirds. The employees are taking a bike or rent a "Car to Go", one-hundred-percent powered by renewables, which are located right in front of ARTE headquarters. Thanks to renewables, the Bavaria Filmstudios reduced their carbon footprint by 98 percent and implemented energy-saving LED lightening in the studios. Green production is also happening at Studio Berlin. After the launch of first green show The Quiz Champion Riverside Entertainment also implemented sustainable measures in the  production of the quiz format Jede Antwort zählt.


By rehousing vintage lenses, the cine-equipment manufacturing company P+S Technik repurposes older lenses for state-of-the-art technology. The refurbishing of lenses at the Munich-based company is a sustainable production process, which is powered by in-house generated solar energy. Producing renewable energy with Ground Source Heat Pump heat and solar panels is part of the concept of the British Depot Cinema in Lewes that is an unique model in terms of sustainability for exhibitors all across the world.


Cover: ©Universal Pictures; Photo: ©Bavaria Film

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